Hope Deferred Makes the Heart Sick

Hope Deferred Makes the Heart Sick

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12

Not every story has a happy ending. Sometimes the hero doesn’t get the girl. Sometimes the bad guy gets away. And sometimes a little girl breaks her daddy’s heart and he is powerless to do anything to save her.


Yesterday was one of the worst days of my life. Yesterday, my oldest daughter Allison, at 19 days old, joined her identical twin sister, Rory, in Heaven. She was surrounded by her mommy and daddy, her grandparents and many, many uncles and aunties that all loved her dearly.

Having premature babies has been quite a journey for Keao and I. It has truly been a roller coaster of emotion. We were excited to find out we were pregnant, elated to find out they were twins, a little nervous to find out that our twins were now triplets and everything in between.

It devastated us to find out that one of our girls had a heart defect and wouldn’t survive long after birth. It terrified us knowing that so many things could go wrong at any step of the way. It relieved us when Keao finally did give birth, and even though it was a little early, Allison and Casey seemed healthy and responsive.

Which brings us to yesterday. Actually let’s back up a few more days.

Saturday: Saturday was a fabulous day. I survived boot camp, had a great morning at discipleship, went to my parents’ house for lunch and even managed to do some work around the house. Then Keao and I went shopping, started registering for our baby shower and even managed to sneak in a quick movie date matinee. That night we visited our girls and Keao held Allison for about an hour while I carried Casey for an hour and a half. We went to bed happy, content parents.

Sunday: I went to church as usual, but sometime during the second service I received a phone call from Keao. Allison may have an infection. They’re not sure what it is, but her stomach looks a little distended and she’s not digesting all of her food. Best case scenario: we give her some antibiotics and she clears right up. Worst case scenario: she has Necrotizing Enterocolitis or NEC as it’s commonly referred to.

NEC is a very serious infection that affects the intestines of premature babies. Our doctor said that they’re not sure what exactly causes it, but it is almost found exclusively in premature babies. Basically, it is a disease that causes the intestines do die off and without treatment (or working intestines) the baby will die.

By the time we got to the hospital, it was obvious that Allison’s stomach was distended. It was round and hard and it looked like she was in some serious discomfort. The staff at the Kaiser NICU was incredible. They got us chairs and even moved all of the other babies out of the room so that Casey and Allison had the whole room (and staff) to themselves. Allison’s doctor, Dr. Chiu, handed off all of her other cases so she could dedicate herself fully to our little sick girl. They even got us a room for the night in the hospital so we could be close and check in at any time.

Our surgeon came to the hospital around 6pm and explained that he would try to open up Allison’s stomach to relieve some of the pressure within her and to try to see what was going on in there. When he finished, around half and hour later, he did not bring good news. He explained to us that around 80% of her intestines had already died and the remaining 20% didn’t look like it would make it. The only hope he did give us was that if they remaining 20% did survive and make it, he may be able to remove the dead portion and start some treatment.

After much crying and praying Keao and I somehow managed to fall asleep that night. As you can imagine we didn’t sleep very well that night. Worried sick about Allison we tossed and turned and even went to visit her during the middle of the night.

Monday: Still worried and fearful, Keao and I started the morning with prayer. We needed a miracle. The only way our Allison would survive would be if God healed her miraculously. After praying, we felt a little better and was just about to head downstairs. However, we were interrupted by a knock on the door. Dr. Chiu had come up to give us an assessment of the situation. Allison was not looking better and her situation did not improve. Actually it looked worse.

Devastated. That’s the only word I can use to describe our feelings at that moment. We decided that if this would be our last day with our little girl, we would spend it by her side the entire way.

So many times in life we have faced disappointment or trials. Every time, even when it seems like it’s the end of the world we somehow manage to get through it. Before we headed downstairs to look at our daughter, I leaned over to Keao and whispered in her ear, “We’ll get through this…together. No matter what happens, we’ll get through this together.”

By the time we did go downstairs they were already preparing Allison so we could carry her. They hooked her up to more medication and a breathing machine that helped her breathe because her little body was so exhausted from fighting the infection. Even though this was a step backward because she had been breathing on her own, it enabled her to have her SiPAP removed so we got to look at her face for the very first time without any hindrances. Just like her sister Rory, she was beautiful.

Throughout the day we just carried her and told her how much we loved her and how proud of her we were. She was a fighter and she fought until the very end. Her little body just wasn’t designed to digest food yet and we asked her to do too much too soon. Even though we only had 19 days with her she was a complete answer to our prayers.

Keao held her close and sang to her. She got to tell her how she got her name, Allison Hope Yayeko Ka’olinanahenahe. She told her all the dreams and wishes we had for her. And for the very first time, Keao got to kiss her oldest daughter.


Spending our last precious moments together

When it was my turn, I told her how I would always pray over her and just watch her in her little isolette. So proud and so full of love for her. How excited we were when she started breathing on her own and getting to drink milk. How when she cried it was like music to our ears. I told her I was sorry that I wouldn’t see her grow up and be able to hold her hand anymore or carry her anymore. I would never get the chance to introduce her to the guitar or golf or the Beatles. I’ll never be able to take her to Japan or Disneyland. I’ll never be able to talk to her about boys or hug her the first time a boy breaks her heart, It breaks my heart to know that I’ll never be able to see her go to prom or give her away to get married. All of the hopes and dreams we had for her, we understood, would never be realized. My heart is completely shattered.

I guess after 19 days apart, Rory and Allison would be together again. Our identical twin girls together are with my dad and Jesus.

Through all of this, I still don’t have all the answers. I don’t understand how we could lose two out of three children before we could even take them home. How we went from a family of five to a family of three in less than 20 days. How we got to the hospital with three babies and we’re left with one baby and two memory boxes. I still don’t know why or understand and I may not ever know until I get to Heaven, but that’s okay. God is still good and I’m still choosing to praise him.

As the day wore on Keao and I realized we didn’t have much time left. As we carried her we understood that she was slowly fading away. She became less responsive as she grew weaker and just couldn’t fight anymore. Her tiny body just exhausted itself. By the time they stopped giving her the medication that was keeping her alive and they removed her breathing tube we knew she only had moments left with us. Then with one last tiny gasp Allison Hope Yayeko Ka’olinanahenahe Sunaoka went to be with her sister.

And as I did every night before I left the hospital, I leaned over toward her so only she could hear me and I whispered, “Good night Allison, daddy loves you.”

22 thoughts on “Hope Deferred Makes the Heart Sick

  1. Scott,

    I linked to your blog from your wife’s, and was referred to her by her friend Sandi, who I “know” from a triplet resource board. I am so sorry for the loss of both Rory and Allison. My husband and I gave birth to triplets last February, and our middle daughter, Caitlin, was stillborn to a rare brain defect. To some extent I can understand your pain.

    My thoughts are with you and Keao. Please, if either of you wish to talk, you can reach me through my blog or e-mail. You can also find me on Facebook, and when you or Keao are ready, I can invite you to be a member of a private group for parents who have lost triplets. It is a safe place to talk and vent and cry with a virtual group who, sadly, know that sometimes life just does not work the way it should.

    Again, I am so, so sorry.

    1. Oh Scott, my heart is breaking for you and Keao. As I told Keao, Sean had NEC. You guys have been in my thoughts and prayers from the start and you will remain there. If you guys need anything at all, just name it and I’ll be sure to help you. I sent Keao an email about the site Amy is referring to. I hope that it can help you guys some in this time of need.

      ~Sandi Coll

  2. Scott, you made me cry at work!!! OK, so it’s not the first time this week, but you know. The photo of Allie at the top of this entry is so neat — you’re right, it totally makes a difference that her face is not all smushed by the SiPAP, and I’m glad you guys got to see how beautiful she really was and how she looked just like you. I’m sorry that that time was so brief.

    Again, please let us know if there is anything at all we can do to help with anything. Casey will be spoiled like nobody’s business, and we continue to pray for her good health.

  3. You’re amazing Scott. As I read this, tears literally flowed. The strength and ability to totally trust God through this hardship is truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing your emotions and being real. God bless you and your family. Praying for you all.

  4. My heart is broken and grieving with you and Keao….words are so inadequate. I’m so sorry. We add our prayers to everyone’s for you guys and your daughter.

  5. Hi Scott…so touching ur story..tjnx fo sharing…i cant imagine all ur pain. I cried myself to sleep last night when i read ur post dat Allie joined Rory… Ur words of play nice girls kept running through my head, seeing how strong u are wit Gods love…. Allie will be missed!!! Take care george & i are always tinkin of u and Keao (((((hugs)))))

  6. Scott, I’m sorry about Allison. I have no idea what you must be going through. Through all of this, though, your strength and faith in God is SO admirable. I’m praying for you and your family, and I hope that you continue to find comfort from the love of your family and friends.

  7. A person’s true heart is shown in times of trials and tribulation…the fact that you say,

    “I still don’t know why or understand and I may not ever know until I get to Heaven, but that’s okay. God is still good and I’m still choosing to praise him.”

    in the midst of all that is happening, shows where your heart really is. And that is truly inspiring. Scott, I am sorry for your loss. My heart is broken for Keao and you. Love you guys!

  8. Thank you for sharing your heartache with us in such a beautiful way, Scott. I cried through the whole thing.

    I can’t even begin to imagine what you and Keao are going through, but I know that God does, and He is able to comfort you in ways that we as mere humans cannot. You are all in my thoughts and prayers often. Add my name to the list of people to call on for whatever you need. I’m good at cooking/baking/house cleaning. Let me know.

    May Jehovah Jirah provide everything that you need to get through all the challenges. Much love to you, Keao, little Casey, your parents and families.

  9. Once again, thank you for sharing. My tears flowed throughout the reading. Your family continues to be in my prayers. If I can be of any help, let me know. God bless.

  10. scott and keao,

    Rach and I are sorrry for your loss and you, keao and your daughters are in our prayers. If you two need anything feel free to call or text us love you guys

  11. Scott, you are in our prayers. I can’t say that I know what you’re going through but our hearts are breaking too. I know our Father has a plan. Stay strong.

  12. Aloha Scott and Kaeo. You don’t know me, but I work for go! Mokulele Airlines with Dianna. I just wanted to send a sincere Love and Aloha to your entire family. Myself, along with my entire Catian and Pilago ‘Ohana has been keeping everyone in our prayers, as well as my New Hope Leeward Church ‘Ohana.

    I cannot say that I know the pain you are going thru, but I just want to let you know that you have a great group of supports in your family and friends. Though we’ve never met, I’ve heard so much about you thru Dianna and I have the utmost love and respect for you all.

    In this time of struggle..Lean on God for He alone can make things better.

    If there is anything that I, personally, could do to help you out, please let your Mom know and I will do what I can

    Much Love and Aloha
    Catian and Pilago ‘Ohana

  13. Dear Scott and Kaeo,
    Eric just shared last night with our family the deep sorrow you have experienced in the loss of your precious babies. We grieve with you and want you to know our prayers are with you too. May the Lord enable your 3rd daughter to survive and be healthy! We find comfort as you do, in the scriptures and Anne Graham Lotz recently sent this in her devotion. May it bless you both at this time.
    With love and incessant prayers,
    Diana and Frank

    God Loves Even Me!
    “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
    Hebrews 13:5, NKJV
    In the midst of our suffering, it can often be difficult to glimpse the glory to come. Suffering is so immediate and can seem so permanent that we can easily lose sight of the big picture. The pain can be so crushing and our hearts can be so broken that we just don’t understand why! Why me? Whenever that question tends to fill my mind, I hear Him whisper to my heart, “Anne, why not you? Just trust Me! Trust Me to be with you. Trust Me to bring you through. Trust Me to be enough for you. Trust Me – because I love you!”
    When I don’t understand why, I trust Him because . . . God loves even me!
    Are you hurt because you’ve thought that if God truly loved you, you would be exempt from pain and problems and pressure? Lay your hurts at His nail-pierced feet – and just trust Him because He loves even you!

    Anne Graham Lotz

  14. Dear Scottie and Keao,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Your girls are beautiful and I can tell incredibly loved. We will look forward to meeting Rory and Allison some day. You are both in my prayers and thoughts.
    Janel Kam-M

  15. Looking at my own disappointments brought me here to this page. Your faith in God is inspiring. Thank you for sharing this, and may God continue to bring healing and restoration to your family. Thank you.

  16. Dear Pastor Scott: Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have been struggling due to my daughter having two still born babies. It’s so hard being 53 years old and my arms are empty not to mention watching my darling daughter longing for her daughter and son. God heals all broken hearts just wish it didn’t take so long. Blessings to you and your wife…..Miriam

  17. I am at a lost of words.. But thank you for your faith for it is a strength to me. I am sure your girls will be happily in the hand of Jesus. God Bless..

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