Gee, It’s Bigger Than I Thought

Gee, It’s Bigger Than I Thought

You know, there are many times in a man’s life where he likes to hear the the words, “Gee, it’s bigger than I thought”. I’ll let your mind wander around for a while and think of a few situations…okay, are you back?

Yesterday I heard that phrase but it was in a totally unpleasant way. Totally unpleasant. Where was I you may ask? Well I’ll tell you. I was in my dentist’s chair. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m not really a big fan of dentists. Don’t get me wrong, I really like my dentist as a person. He’s actually my classmate (which was a little awkward at first) and my friend. When I see him at football games or at restaurants we always talk story and what not, but as soon as he puts on the mask and gloves I immediately tense up.

So back to yesterday. This was a follow up visit because one of my fillings came loose and he needed to take it out and refill it. So while he was in there I heard those dreaded words, “Gee, it’s bigger than I thought”. Yikes.

This actually really bums me out. I mean I brush and floss daily. I use a mouthwash. What more do I need to do? Why do I keep getting cavities?

So I was sitting there in the chair and Kevin, my classmate/dentist, just finished injecting me with whatever painkiller he used and he was ready to go. To me there is nothing more unnerving than the whir of the dentist’s drill. Anytime I hear it I always tense up. I mean, I’m sitting there and I’m clinching my fists and curling my toes and my back is all tight. Even though I keep telling myself to relax and I try to breathe slowly and loosen my muscles within 30 seconds I’m already tense again. Augh!

It’s so sad that I’m so conditioned to fear the dentist. I mean he’s a really nice guy and I know he wants the dental experience to be painless as possible, but I can’t help but dread that once-every-six-months visit. So after an hour of sitting there telling myself it’s not going to hurt (and it really didn’t) it was finally over and I was free to go. Yay! Now my next six month countdown begins again.

2 thoughts on “Gee, It’s Bigger Than I Thought

  1. you should try lying on your hands…it at least hides your hands from your dentist…thus fooling them into thinking you don’t fear them

  2. Hey man, I just did the same thing a few weeks ago! What I really enjoyed about the experience is the insane smell that seemed to come from my own mouth, as if a stink goblin crawled into that puka and hid there for my dentist to find. Talk about akward. So kisses anyone? BTW – i’m doing marketing for Tihati Productions, do a bunch of ad/marketing graphics stuff, and ocasionally get sent away to take photos of our events.

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