You’ve got to roll with the punches to get to what’s real

You’ve got to roll with the punches to get to what’s real

Oh can’t you see me standing here, I’ve got my back against the record machine I ain’t the worst that you’ve seen. Oh can’t you see what I mean? -Van Halen

Ahh life. Sometimes it’s good sometime’s it’s not as good. Anyone who knows me knows that one of the mottos (or mottoes, either one is correct) that I try to live by is “roll with the punches.” Like life, sometimes this is really easy and sometimes it’s really tough. Like Van Halen, I sometimes feel like my back is against the record machine, but I am not the worst so why can’t we seem to see eye-to-eye? Hmmm, that reminds me of a Beatles song. Maybe I’ll use that one next time.

But in the whole grand scheme of things, life is good. I’m feeling a bit under the weather (which is an old sailors’ term) so I think I’m going to take the rest of the afternoon off. I hate it when I feel this way. I tend to ramble in my writings with out any clear path or train of thought. For instance, I’m thinking about what I want to eat for dinner. Jeph gave me a crock pot before he left so I’m trying it out. I bought this hamburger helper deal for slow cookers (not for slow cookers…never mind, that one is too easy) in which you just add beef and water and set it for low and 8-10 hours later you have a meal. I hope it turns out good. It’s been cooking for about 4 and a half hours so another four hours and I can eat dinner. Yay!

But in the whole grand scheme of things, life is good. Yesterday a new girl came to MiniChurch. It’s amazing how something small like an invitation to MiniChurch can mean so much. Another fellow that I met on Sunday couldn’t make it but he emailed me to explain and mention that he would try to make it next week. This one girl though seemed really touched that we invited her and she even stayed the latest just cruising with us.

More proof that life is good. I got an update on Liloa yesterday. My mom called and said that when they went to see him yesterday his strength was coming back. He can now almost open his eyes half way (which is huge) and he can even squeeze hands. My Aunty Na’i said that she would say, “Liloa if you can hear me squeeze my hand,” and he would respond by squeezing it. Hallelujah! Praise God!

I was reading in Acts today and one Scripture that stuck out said, “Paul went in and prayed for him [Publius’ father], and laying his hands on him, he healed him” (Acts 28:8b). That’s been my prayer. I’ve been praying that whomever would lay their hands on Liloa, whether it is me or someone else, would be able to heal him through the power of God. I’m going to see him next Monday. Hopefully by then he’ll be doing so well, I won’t even have to pray. I hope he’s sitting up and talking so I can have a conversation with him.

Well, I think I’m off. I’m not feeling too hot. I was praying into my own feelings of illness and I think God revealed to me that it is a spiritual attack because I have been praying for Liloa. I have all faith in God that I will be completely healed by next Monday so I’ll be able to pray for him. So until then…I’m going to go home and rest.

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