Believing is Seeing

Believing is Seeing

Yesterday was a rather non-eventful day. Not too much to write about there. Just your standard, usual, routine Thursday. And then there was MiniChurch. You know, the more I think about it, I really like my MiniChurch. It’s going to be sad when we grow to a size that needs to split (hopefully in the next 6 months). Last night Grant, Dustin and George came. Our girls, who just got back from London, were either really tired or going to the women’s worship night (or so they claimed). But anyway, I had Grant and Dustin bring their guitars over so they all helped play worship with me. Ahhh, music is so universal. Oddly enough, Dustin and George had a very nice conversation pertaining to Macintoshes and various video editing programs. I was completely lost by it but they both seemed to know what each other was talking about. Isn’t it interesting how two people from very different backgrounds can still find something to relate to? They both speak Nerd (Dustin prefers AV Geek).

But during MiniChurch we started talking about knowing something and believing something. It’s easy to know something but it’s much harder to believe it to the point of it changing your life. I can know that God has a promise for me, but unless I believe it, it won’t change my life. As those Pentecostals are fond of saying, it’s the difference between information and revelation. We also talked about changing our perspectives. I’ve been meditating on the beatitudes specifically “blessed are those who are pure in heart for they shall see God.” I’m not sure of the exact Scripture reference but it’s somewhere in Matthew 5 (verse 6 maybe?). You can look it up if you’re so inclined. But as I was saying. I want to be pure in heart and be able to see God in everything I do and see. I don’t think that Jesus meant that the pure in heart would see God in a physical manifestation (although that would be cool if he did mean that), I think he meant that the pure in heart can “see” God in all things. That’s what I want.

After that we sort of hung out and played more music together. Then everyone went home. On another note, Keao was online last night and I ended up talking to her for a few hours. Interesting girl that Keao. Just between you and me, I notice that the world she lives in is completely different than the world I live in. She sees things differently than me. Must be because she’s OI. Maybe I’ll go into more detail later.

Today is Men’s Retreat so I’ll be gone for the next couple of days. I pray that the girls’ overnighter goes well and they get to know each other better. It’s a good start to a more unified Ignite. Pray for me, I need to play drums (hee hee, they must really be scraping the bottom of the barrel if I have to play drums), speak at the campfire, lead worship on Monday night and then also speak that Monday night, in addition to my rough draft of the senior thesis that’s due on Monday. Oh well, here’s where you rely on God. But seriously, I wouldn’t mind being covered in prayer. So, until Sunday night sometime…

(UH v. Boise St., 2:00pm HST, ESPN2)

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