It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Losses an Eye

It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Losses an Eye

Whew, what a weekend! My Saturday started fairly early being that we were going on a hike. We were hiking to the Makapuu tide pools (which I had never done before) so I was kind of excited. When we first got to church there were only a handful of us raring to go (I think it was Dustin, Linda and me) but before long some others showed up which caused my spirits to rise even more. The morning got off to a great start until mean Keao put on this offensive shirt because I guess she wanted to hurt someone’s feelings (poor Ron, I hope he recovers). Anyway, we got off to a slightly late start, but we left none the less. By the time we got to Makapuu Krystie, Jen, Scott, Skye and Frank were already there. Then Marjie Terry (and Joshua) and Sally also met us there. So off we go!

The trail up to the lighthouse (which was the first part of the hike) was pretty easy being that it is paved and not too steep. After about half an hour we made it to the part where the trail splits off and one side goes to the lighthouse and the other trail (straight down the mountain) goes to the tide pools. So we start going down, this also wasn’t too tough because there are a lot of hand holds and there is a nice switchback the whole way. By the time we got to the bottom it was really nice. There were some big waves and they were crashing up against the rocks causing water to shoot way up in the air. So as soon as our group made it to the bottom they immediately split up with some exploring the rocks, others swimming in the tide pools and others just lounging around. But the sea, she was angry that day. We couldn’t have been down there for more than 10 minutes when one of our girls got hit by a wave and hit the rocks pretty hard. I didn’t actually see what had happened but I did hear the alarming cries. The next thing I saw was that girl holding her mouth with a towel and booking it up the mountain. When I say booking it I mean she was really moving. I was actually quite impressed by how fast she managed to make it up the first part of the mountain. After a few rest stops she was completely up the mountain. I’m not sure if it was the adrenaline or what, but she really moved. By this time just about half of our group went with her to make sure that she was alright. So I was on the bottom with the other half of our group (there goes any chance of having a nice group picture). We stayed at the bottom for about another 20 minutes or so and then the rest of our group headed back up. This was the blind leading the blind part of the hike. Since the lead guys didn’t know the way back up they just headed up the mountain. Actually it isn’t too hard, but it is a lot steeper. Needless to say I was pretty out of breath by the time I got back up to the top of the mountain. When we made it back to the road we were informed that more of our group had split with the injured girl and we were told to meet at Hawaii Kai shopping center.

So off to Hawaii Kai shopping center. They were having some sort of sidewalk fair at the shopping center so it was super crowded. Other than that it was pretty good. The remaining members of our group (the ones that were not with the injured girl and the ones that didn’t leave to eat lunch in Kailua) ate at Teddy’s Burgers. It was pretty good except that those of us that went swimming were still salty (no showers) and everyone was pretty tired (either from running up the mountain or just being out of shape). But we all made home safely (well except on our injured friend). Pictures are up at Check ’em out.

By the time I got home I was pretty beat. I was really trying to make it home by 3:00pm so I could watch the UH game on TV and I almost made it (got home during the first quarter). Mikey called and so at halftime I went to Rob’s to watch the remainder of the game. It wasn’t worth it since UH got completely smashed by UTEP. Oh well, I am still hoping that they make it to the Hawaii Bowl or else I wasted some money on those tickets.

I had to be at church this morning because I there was a baptism. When I got to church I found out that Ralph wasn’t getting in the water so it was just me and Russell. To further add to the confusion, no one seemed to know who was in charge of baptism. So we scrambled to make sure that we had all the bases covered (some one to record names, take pictures, break down the baptismal, prayer etc…). There really is a lot that goes into baptisms! Anyway, Russell had a soccer game so I got stuck breaking down the pool. It’s okay, I’m over it now. I did manage to hand out more fliers for our Italian cooking class so that was cool. I hope we get a good turnout. I also invited some more people to MiniChurch so that was cool too. Luckily there’s a women’s worship night coming up so I had Marjie and Keiko (and Sally Friday night) hand out flyers to the single women. My problem is identifying the singles it’s so hard to tell who they are. First it’s hard to identify them, second I don’t really feel comfortable going up to women and asking if they’re single and how old they are. It’s a good thing I found some nice girls to do it for me.

When I got home I was also in for a nice surprise. Who should stick his head out the door and greet me with, “Hi Uncle Scott”? Isaac Moore. Apparently Carl and Kanani are showing their house so they came over with Isaac and Kylie. It’s okay though, they’re good company and I like Isaac. So I got to chat with Kanani for a bit since Carl just got home from GO camp and I think he was resting. Well that’s my weekend so far. Maybe more will happen tonight. I’ll keep you posted.

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